Brain networks are decoupled from external stimuli during internal cognition, NeuroImage, 2022. Cohen, Nakai, Nishimoto.
Integrated information structure collapses with anesthetic loss of conscious arousal in Drosophila melanogaster[under review, available on bioRxiv], 2020. Leung, Cohen, van Swinderen, Tsuchiya.
General anesthesia reduces complexity and temporal asymmetry of the informational structures derived from neural recordings in Drosophila, 2020. Phys. Rev. Research. Munoz, Leung, Zecevik, Pollock, Cohen, van Swinderen, Tsuhiyca, Modi.
A general spectral decomposition of causal influences applied to integrated information, 2020. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Cohen, Sasai, Tsuhiyca, Oizumi.
Isoflurane impairs low-frequency feedback but leaves high-frequency feedforward connectivity intact in the fly brain, 2018. eNeuro. Cohen, Tsuchiya, van Swinderen.
The effect of common signals on power, coherence and Granger causality: theoretical review, simulations, and empirical analysis of fruit fly LFPs data, 2018. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Cohen, Tsuchiya.
Local versus global effects of isoflurane anesthesia on visual processing in the fly brain, 2016. eNeuro. Cohen, Zalucki, van Swinderen, Tsuchiya.
Conference papers
Resource constrained job scheduling with parallel constraint-based ACO, 2017. ACALCI. Cohen, GĀ“omez-Iglesias, Thiruvady, Ernst.
The Elastic Net as a visual category representation, 2012. ICONIP. Cohen, Paplinski.
A comparative evaluation of the Elastic Net and Generative Topographic Map for the formation of Ocular Dominance stripes, WCCI. 2012. Cohen, Paplinski.
Book chapters
- Empirical tests of the integrated information theory of consciousness in The return of consciousness: A new science on old questions, 2016. Tsuhiyca, Haun, Cohen, Oizumi.